Lesson 6 Challenge

I searched for similar books to Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas and the terms I choose gave me the other books in the series. Which I am a little surprised about because there is another YA series that has similar appeal factor’s: His Fair Assassin series.

However I did not give up and took away two of the appeal factors, both that belonged with epic fantasy reads and viola! The series appeared. Now that I think back more about the series I was looking for I remember that the fantasy element was not really there. So this is a perfect example of why not to give up. While I had a goal in mind, which we often don’t when we are helping a patron or else we would not be using Novelist, I knew there was something wrong with my search. Removing and changing appeal factors is always the way to go!

Lesson 5 Challenge

I use Learning Express all the time! Not only do I recommend it to patron’s seeking GED testing, ASVAB testing, and college entrance exams but I also use it for my kids with help with things like math problems. I have even has to watch some of the videos myself to help with homework….

Lesson 3 Challenge

I use the basic template all the time for all the programs I do, while simple I think it does the job I need it to do in the shortest amount of time possible. It would be nice to use some of these other tools for creativity sake, but I think I will use them for displays and other informational pieces rather than for a program flyer.


pick your side flyerpick your side flyer

Lesson 2 Challenge

  • A customer shows you a “too good to be true” email about getting free money from Nigeria, and asks you to help them seal the deal with their banking information.

We have actually encountered this before and it was very difficult to get the patron to understand the consequences of sending personal information to an email address that he was not familiar with. We attempted to explain that sending private information including papers such as bank accounts and identifying information is a way that scams are run and a way to get personal information from individuals. Granted in the long run we are unable to stop anyone from doing anything and if they insist on following through all we are able to do is help with them with the process in the manner in which we normally would help. For example show them how to use the scanner, attach an email, etc.

Lesson 11: Wrap Up

I will admit, I waited to write this entry till close to finishing up time. I know, bad me. I should be setting the example….

But I really wanted to know what others had to say and I wanted to be able to address that as part of my learning process. I, along with the other members of the team, worked super hard on this learning tool and it has been absolutely amazing to see/read how much others have learned and benefited from this experience.

We often are so overwhelmed with the amount of information that is out there, wait, this is the library! Why don’t we know it all! Well…that is just no way possible. These exercise was an attempt to put everything we are “supposed” to know into a nice neat little package and make it nice and easy for everyone to learn. Did it work? I think it did!

I loved hearing from staff how much fun they had and how much they learned. I also, to their dismay, liked to hear about the amount of time wasted doing this since they already were fully aware of what was out there. This was nothing but a tool to get everyone on the same page, and I think it for the most part the endeavor was successful!

Bring on the next series!

Lesson 10 Challenge

just used the city’s website to find a permit application to build a carport. And while I am all for technology for convenience sake and easy access, I absolutely abhor the city’s site. Everything is so clunky and the search finds so many inapplicable resources, such as meeting minutes, agendas, etc. I find it very difficult to simply find anything in an easy manner.
I think there is potential for there to be much useful information and assistance via a more friendly website, but until that happens, I see why so many patrons call us for help.

Lesson 9 Part 2- OverDrive Magazines

I like the OverDrive Periodicals platform. I really feel it is much easier to use than Zinio. There is the drawback about the Kindle compatibility but I will take the overall easiness instead, sorry kindle users 😦

I am looking forward to being able to read:

National Geographic


Parent Magazine

In order to use OverDrive for the first time: